Advice From Strangers

Sometimes your path leads you to strangers for different reasons. Brief encounters and lengthy ones too all produce unexpected results on occasion.

I recently sat in a matatu and the best way I can describe that encounter is that I was accosted with a 3-hour conversation. It seemed like it was going to be an ordinary trip to Nairobi but as soon as we reached what he called, ‘cruising speed’ his mouth kept moving and didn’t stop till we got to my destination. It was a LONG drive!

Sitting there I did pick up a few pieces of advice, even though I was slightly irritated at the intrusion of mind space.

Then I thought, how many times have I received random, unsolicited advice from a stranger that I actually needed on a later date?

So this week I asked several family members and friends about any advice from strangers that they still remember.


Here are a few that stood out…

Family should ALWAYS come first, of course, this depends on who you call family.

Pick your battles, not everything is worth fighting over.

Always let the people around you know how you feel about them before it’s too late.

Money was made to be spent, so spend it. This one is as plain and simple as it gets.

Keep your friends close and enemies closer.

Keep your work life and home life separate. Don’t bring work problems home and vice versa.

There are two places you need to have peace, at home or the grave. (Heard this one in a movie when I was a teenager) If you can’t have peace in either change the people around you.

You are doing the best you can and sometimes that’s enough. Be patient with yourself!

You shall reap what you sow. So if you sow good deeds in the world you will reap the same.

In life, one’s attitude is better than an A grade in exams. A good attitude will take you far.

You can reinvent yourself no matter what age you are. Life is not cast in stone

What pieces of advice have stayed with you that came from an unexpected source?

Write some in the comments.


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