One day VS Forever

It’s Christmas week,and I’m still trying to figure out what the holidays hold. Usually Christmas day is pretty standard, we all go to my grandmas/aunty’s 30 minutes away and then we have a feast!!!! Most of the time we all sleep in the same house for a few days anyway so there’s very little driving involved on the actual holiday. Everything has been pretty predictable year to year.

Fast forward to present day Nicte who wants to just spend the day sipping some wine on a beach or in her house with 2/3 friends. How times have changed! I didn’t even realize years ago that there was other ways to spend this holiday season.

I’ve just spent quite a couple of days with my family and friends in Nairobi so I have seen them quite close to Christmas but this year just feels different….

You see the thing is, I’ve just had one of the most challenging health years of my life. I’ve never been sickly or doing constant doctors visits (other than physiotherapy). This year came with unexpected health challenges and everything had to change. So I started taking things into my own hands more, especially my health and happiness.

I’ve also been so busy this year that all I want to do is chill and recharge my battery. My family does not chill like this during Christmas. We play games, cook and eat, take walks, cook some more, eat some more and basically do this on repeat for about 4 days straight. Needless to say, there’s very little actual chilling being done and more of the upkeep to keep a house of about 10 people running.

This year also has a new aspect that I can’t seem to get out of my mind, this new strain of covid which is keeping everyone on their toes. This is one thing that’s made me feel scared of all kinds of travel this year. I’m keeping things slow and small this year and taking time to do some actual resting…Covid def made me put that into perspective because wanting to keep myself and others safe.

It’s the festive time of year and also the second time this generation has a pandemic Christmas.

All that said, be safe!

Wear your mask.

Wash your hands.


Remember Christmas is only one day, your health is one day VS one day!

Each new level in life will
demand a different you!

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